By Juan Carlos Leon
Tea Party is a movement in the United States that every day takes more force. Tired with the direction that has taken the country and the excessive size of the U.S. Government this new political grouping is emerging as an alternate voice within the GOP (Grand Old Party) for the next presidential elections.
This movement is named in honor to the mutiny carried settlers in Boston on December 16, 1773 against the British Crown. A large shipment of tea was thrown into the sea in protest against high taxes that were imposed to these humble peasants in those times. It is believed that this was the drop that overflew the Cup so that later onset independence war that freed us forever from the English yoke in 1776.
One of the main leaders of the Tea Party is Sarah Palin. The former Governor of Alaska is also regarded as one of the candidates to take into account for the 2012 election. Other names that might be on the Republican ticket are Mit Romney, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich. Two of these recognized conservative politicians will seek to limit to a single term Barack Obama's stay in the White House.
According to recent surveys, the President and the Democrats have been seen their popularity and acceptance very affected. This is mostly due to high rates of unemployment and increasing poverty in the world's richest nation. Recently revealed numbers are horrifying: 43 millions of citizens are considered poor and 50 million do not have health coverage. Incredible but true.
The Tea Party can be very good for the GOP if it doesn’t separate the members of the Party. If they work together and focus on the upcoming elections certainly they will be a real headache for the most liberal. The American people are tired of cheap politics, broken campaign promises and dignitaries who only think in their personal interests.
Let’s go out in masses to the polls and let our voices be heard by voting. The United States of America need men and women who are willing to help us recover everything that we have lost. We want the American Way of Living back in this country. We worked so hard for it and we won't let it go that easily.
Miami, FL., USA